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Response Code List

NoHTTP CodeSVC CodeRC CodeRC Desc
1 200 00 00Success
2 200 20 01Invalid Field Format
3 200 20 02Process not allowed
4 200 20 03Invalid Customer Token
5 200 20 04Customer Not Found
6 200 20 05Card Not Valid
7 200 20 06Transaction Not Found
8 200 20 07Acq not found
9 400 10 00Bad Request
10 400 10 01Invalid Field Format {field name}
11 400 10 02Invalid Mandatory Field {field name}
12 401 10 00Unauthorized. [reason]
13 401 10 01Invalid Token (B2B)
14 401 10 02Invalid Customer Token
15 401 10 03Token Not Found (B2B)
16 401 10 04Customer Token Not Found
17 403 10 00Transaction Expired
18 403 10 01Feature Not Allowed [Reason]
19 403 10 02Exceeds Transaction Amount Limit
20 403 10 03Suspected Fraud
21 403 10 04Activity Count Limit Exceeded
22 403 10 05Do Not Honor
23 403 10 06Feature Not Allowed At This Time. [reason]
24 403 10 07Card Blocked
25 403 10 08Card Expired
26 403 10 09Dormant Account
27 403 10 10Need To Set Token Limit
28 403 10 11OTP Blocked
29 403 10 12OTP Lifetime Expired
30 403 10 13OTP Sent To Cardholer
31 403 10 14Insufficient Funds
32 403 10 15Transaction Not Permitted.[reason]
33 403 10 16Suspend Transaction
34 403 10 17Token Limit Exceeded
35 403 10 18Inactive Card/Account/Customer
36 403 10 19Merchant Blacklisted
37 403 10 20Merchant Limit Exceed
38 403 10 21Set Limit Not Allowed
39 403 10 22Token Limit Invalid
40 403 10 23Account Limit Exceed
41 202 10 00Request In Progress
42 404 10 00Invalid Transaction Status
43 404 10 01Transaction Not Found
44 404 10 02Invalid Routing
45 404 10 03Bank Not Supported By Switch
46 404 10 04Transaction Cancelled
47 404 10 05Merchant Is Not Registered For Card Registration Services
48 404 10 06Need To Request OTP
49 404 10 07Journey Not Found
50 404 10 08Invalid Merchant
51 404 10 09No Issuer
52 404 10 10Invalid API Transition
53 404 10 11Invalid Card/Account/Customer [info]/Virtual Account
54 404 10 12Invalid Bill/Virtual Account [Reason]
55 404 10 13Invalid Amount
56 404 10 14Paid Bill
57 404 10 15Invalid OTP
58 404 10 16Partner Not Found
59 404 10 17Invalid Terminal
60 404 10 18Inconsistent Request
61 404 10 19Invalid Bill/Virtual Account
62 405 10 00Requested Function Is Not Supported
63 405 10 01Requested Opearation Is Not Allowed
64 409 10 00Conflict
65 409 10 01Duplicate partnerReferenceNo
66 500 10 00General Error
67 500 10 01Internal Server Error
68 500 10 02External Server Error
69 504 10 00Timeout
70 429 10 00Too Many Requests
71 200 20 08Rule not allowed
72 200 21 01Initiation Error
73 200 21 02Create Session Error
74 200 21 03Update Session Error
75 200 21 04Authentication Error
76 200 20 093DS tanpa interaksi
77 200 20 10Rule not allowed
78 200 21 05Check Auth Error
79 200 21 06Authorize Error
80 200 22 01Fraud
81 200 21 07Capture Error
82 200 21 08Void Error
83 200 21 09Refund Error
84 200 21 10Payment Error
85 200 20 11Reject by Rule
86 409 10 02Duplicate data