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Payment Gateway Overview

Finpay will help your bussiness to accept payment from various methods such as : credit card, bank transfer, emoney, cash payments through retail outlets etc.

Differences integration methods :

Integration MethodFeatureSample Use Case

Hosted Payment

Simple and easy intregation, just one process to connect with all payment methods provide by Finpay

For all merchant who need easy and quick integration.
Redirect customer to payment page hosted by Finpay

Suitable for merchant who already have website or mobile application so can be embed payment page directly

Customizable payment method in quick way without any enhancement in your system

Customizable merchant or brand name and logo

Core API

Customize your own UI/UXMerchants who want specifix UI/UX to suit their experience flow
Customize parameter for each payment methods

Used by partners who have a website or mobile application but also can be implemented on a POS or vending machine

Can be enhance with additional features such as: Autodebet service

Finpay Invoice

No technical integration

Quick and easy to used, no programming skills are needed (No Coding)

Create payment invoice for your customer through Finpay Dashboard

Suitable for Small and Medium Enterpris online shop owners who don't have a website or mobile application

payment link that is shareable through Email, SMS WhatsApp, etc