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Authorization & Headers

BI SNAP APIs are using OAuth2 as standard authorization framework, to grant access to all the services provided by Finnet you need to have the access token with grantType=client_credetials. You will be required to have valid and authorised client_id to have a token. To get more information about implementation of oAuth 2 authorization framework you can refer to RFC6749 documentation that can be found in

Content-Type and Accept Header

BI SNAP APIs uses JSON format for input and output, hence it is required to specify JSON as content-type & accept JSON as response. The header specification is as shown below.

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

Authorization Header

These headers are mandatory requirements to be provided on every API request sent to Finnet services to have a successful request. Following are header fields that need to be provide :

AuthorizationANN/AMRepresents access_token of arequest, String starts with keyword “Bearer” followedby accessToken
Content-TypeAN16MContent of you request body e.g. application/json
X-TIMESTAMPyyyy-MM-ddThh:mi:ssTZD (ISO 8601)25MClient’s current local time in yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssTZD format
X-SIGNATUREANN/AMPlease refer to Signature section
ORIGINStringN/AMOrigin Domain
X-EXTERNAL-IDString32MNumeric String Reference number that should be unique in the same day