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Status Pembayaran

Bagian dari pembayaran debit langsung adalah layanan pengecekan status. Layanan ini berguna bagi mitra untuk mengecek apakah pembayaran debit langsung sudah berhasil atau gagal. API akan memberikan informasi status transaksi berdasarkan originalPartnerReferenceNo.

Technical Specification

Body Request

NoNameTypeMandatoryMin LengthMax LengthDescription
1 originalPartnerReferenceNoStringM164Transaction identifier on service consumer system
2 serviceCodeStringM12To identify which transaction that needs to be checked, must be filled woth 55

Sample Request

"originalPartnerReferenceNo": "78912343452347892",
"serviceCode": "55"

Body Response

NoNameTypeMandatoryMin LengthMax LengthDescription
1 responseCodeEnumM17BI SNAP Response Code.
2 responseMessageStringM1150BI SNAP Response Message.
3 originalReferenceNoStringO164Transaction identifier/reference generated by PJP AIS Selain Bank
4 originalPartnerReferenceNoStringO164Transaction identifier on service consumer system
5 serviceCodeStringM12To identify which transaction that needs to be checked, filled with 55
6 latestTransactionStatusStringM12Latest transaction status labelled with constants
7 transactionStatusDescStringO150Transaction status description
8 transAmountObjectO12Transaction amount that will be paid using this payment method If it's IDR then value includes 2 decimal digits

Sample Response

"latestTransactionStatus": "00",
"originalPartnerReferenceNo": "78912343452347892",
"originalReferenceNo": "2210070000001",
"responseCode": "2005500",
"responseMessage": "Request has been processed successfully",
"serviceCode": "55",
"transAmount": {
"currency": "IDR",
"value": "10000.00"
"transactionStatusDesc": "Success"