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Account Unbinding

Ini adalah salah satu layanan dari modul registrasi yang digunakan untuk memutuskan tautan atau memutus ikatan akun terkini yang sudah terikat.

Technical Specification

Body Request

NoNameTypeMandatoryMin LengthMax LengthDescription
1 merchantIdStringM164Identifier provided at the time of linking
2 referenceNoStringM164Reference number used for unbinding second call
3 additionalInfoObjectM12Additional Info

Sample Request

"additionalInfo": {
"phoneNo": "080012341373"

Sample Request (Second Call)

"referenceNo": "1373010202245923153",
"additionalInfo": {
"phoneNo": "080012341373",
"otp": "696969"

Body Response

NoNameTypeMandatoryMin LengthMax LengthDescription
1 responseCodeEnumM17BI SNAP Response Code.
2 responseMessageStringM1150BI SNAP Response Message.
3 referenceNoStringO164Transaction identifier on service provider system
4 unlinkResultStringO164Result of unlinking/unbinding process.

Sample Response

"responseCode": "2000900",
"responseMessage": "Request has been processed successfully",
"referenceNo": "1373010202245923153",
"unlinkResult": "UNBINDING_PENDING"