Additional Info Object
No | Name | Type | Mandatory | Min Length | Max Length | Description |
1 | tips_indikator | String | O | 2 | 2 | 00 no tips 01 tips 02 percentage tips |
2 | tips_fixamount | String | O | 16,2 | 16,2 | Required, if tips_indikator = 01 |
3 | tips_percentage | String | O | 16,2 | 16,2 | Required, if tips_indikator = 02 |
4 | note | String | O | 1 | 50 | Transaction remark |
5 | qr_type | String | M | 2 | 2 | 11 static 12 dynamic |
6 | callback_payment | String | O | 1 | 100 | URL Notify Payment |
7 | merchantId | String | O | 1 | 64 | Merchant identifier, unique per each merchant |
8 | subMerchantId | String | O | 1 | 32 | Sub Merchant ID |
9 | nmid | String | O | 1 | 12 | National Merchant ID, required when Payment Notify Request |
10 | validityPeriod | String | O | 1 | 25 | The time when the QRIS invalid |
11 | cust_name | String | M | 1 | 25 | Buyer Name |
12 | merchantName | String | M | 1 | 25 | Merchant Name |
13 | rrn | String | M | 1 | 12 | Unique Transaction |
14 | nns_issuer | String | M | 1 | 8 | Issuer Institution Number, Ex. 93600777 |
15 | nns_acquirer | String | M | 1 | 8 | Acquirer Institution Number, Ex. 93600777 |
16 | mpan | String | M | 1 | 20 | Merchant PAN |
17 | cpan | String | M | 1 | 20 | Customer PAN |
18 | sof_id | String | M | 1 | 19 | Ex. “qr_statis”, “qrdinamis” |
19 | invoice | String | M | 1 | 64 | Invoice number from partner |
20 | issuer | String | O | 1 | 25 | Name of Issuer PSP |
21 | acquirer | String | O | 1 | 25 | Name of Acquirer PSP |
22 | FeeAmount | Object | O | 1 | 2 | Detail Of Fee Amount |
23 | paidTime | String | O | 1 | 25 | The time when the QRIS paid |
"cust_name": "CANDRA GUNAWAN GAHO",
"merchantName": "BB011 WARTEG MUSTIKA",
"rrn": "000019001390",
"nns_issuer": "93600014",
"nns_acquirer": "93600777",
"mpan": "9360077732302230011",
"cpan": "9360001410190013903",
"nmid": "ID1023249949984",
"sof_id": "qr_statis",
"issuer": "BCA",
"acquirer": "Finpay",
"note": "Transaction Remark",