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Hosted Payment


Finpay IPG Hosted merupakan salah satu produk unggulan yang memungkinkan Merchant melakukan integrasi secara mudah dan cepat dengan Finpay Payment Gateway untuk mulai menerima pembayaran melalui berbagai pilihan metode bayar. IPG Hosted menggunakan mekanisme pengalihan URL Halaman Web, pemilihan metode bayar akan terjadi pada halaman Finpay sehingga merchant hanya perlu melakukan proses integrasi sekali saja. IPG Hosted seuai untuk semua skala bisnis baik itu kecil sampai ke industri besar.

This is an overview of how Hosted Payment works :


Transaction Flow

Keseluruhan proses pembayaran end-to-end di Hosted Payment digambarkan dalam sequence diagram berikut:

API Request

Body Request

NoNameTypeMandatoryMin LengthMax LengthDescription
1 orderObjectM112Detail of Order
2 customerObjectM18Detail of Customer
3 urlObjectM14Detail of Url
4 billingObjectO11Detail of Billing
5 shippingObjectO14Detail of Shipping
6 metaObjectO11Detail of MetaData
7 cardObjectO17Detail of Card
8 recurringObjectO111Detail of Recurring
9 sourceOfFundsObjectO111Detail of SourceOfFunds
10 deviceObjectO17Detail of Device

Sample Request

"customer": {
"email": "",
"firstName": "Hajar",
"lastName": "Ismail",
"mobilePhone": "+6281286288844"
"order": {
"id": "order123",
"amount": "1000",
"description": "Testing"
"url": {
"callbackUrl": ""

Body Response

NoNameTypeMandatoryMin LengthMax LengthDescription
1 responseCodeEnumM17Response Code
2 responseMessageStringM1500Response Message
3 paymentCodeStringO130Payment Code
4 redirecturlStringM1320Redirect URL
5 expiryLinkStringM119Expiry Link
6 processingTimeNumberM120Processing Time
7 appurlStringO1320App URL
8 imageurlStringO1320Image URL
9 accountListArrayO14Account List

Sample Response

"responseCode": "2000000",
"responseMessage": "Success",
"redirecturl": "",
"expiryLink": "2023-05-18 14:55:24",
"processingTime": 0.5706689357757568