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Non 3DS Transaction

Body Request

NoNameTypeMandatoryMin LengthMax LengthDescription
1 orderObjectM112Detail of Order
2 customerObjectM18Detail of Customer
3 urlObjectO14Detail of Url
4 billingObjectO11Detail of Billing
5 shippingObjectO14Detail of Shipping
6 metaObjectO11Detail of MetaData
7 cardObjectM17Detail of Card
8 recurringObjectO111Detail of Recurring
9 sourceOfFundsObjectO111Detail of SourceOfFunds
10 deviceObjectO17Detail of Device

Sample Request

"customer": {
"email": "",
"firstName": "Hajar",
"lastName": "Ismail",
"mobilePhone": "+6281286288844"
"order": {
"id": "1685525344879",
"amount": "1000",
"currency": "IDR",
"description": "Testing"
"card": {
"number": "5123450000000008",
"expiryDate": "3309",
"cvv": "100",
"nameOnCard": "Hajar Direct"

Body Response

NoNameTypeMandatoryMin LengthMax LengthDescription
1 responseCodeEnumM17Response Code
2 responseMessageStringM1500Response Message
3 dataObjectM111Array of data
NoNameTypeMandatoryMin LengthMax LengthDescription
1 acquirerObjectC110Acquirer
2 amountNumericO114Amount
3 authorizationCodeStringO1100Authorization Code
4 currencyStringO33Currency
5 idStringO140ID of Payment
6 receiptStringO1100Receipt
7 referenceStringO140Reference ID
9 stanNumberO16Stan
10 terminalStringO116Transaction Terminal

Sample Response

"responseCode": "2000000",
"responseMessage": "Success",
"data": {
"acquirer": {
"batch": 20230531,
"date": "0531",
"id": "CIMB_S2I",
"merchantId": "000800910091992",
"settlementDate": "2023-05-31",
"timeZone": "+0700",
"transactionId": "123456789"
"amount": 1000,
"authorizationCode": "082941",
"currency": "IDR",
"id": "C-46081b76-b4e7-4260-aebc-bdd5368d186d",
"receipt": "315108082941",
"reference": "C-46081b76-b4e7-4260-aebc-bdd5368d186d",
"source": "INTERNET",
"stan": "83950",
"terminal": "CIMBIN01",
"type": "CAPTURE"
"processingTime": 4.724647045135498